Episode 8 – The Dissolution of Content with Christian Lauchenauer

The Dissolution of ContentChristian Lauchenauer studied 5 years of Industrial Design. Afterward, he worked for one year as an Industrial and Human-Centered Designer in a Swiss design office. After several projects with no budget and actors, he decided to study film in Zürich. But he had already more preferences for video art and got inspired by artists like Bill Viola, Jean-Luc Godard, Richard Serra, Peter Liechti, Steve McQueen, and Douglas Gordon. Today he is a video artist and designer and lives and works in Basel.

On The Dissolution of Content:

More and more I saw myself faced with the addiction to the consumption of information on my smartphone. As well I observed at many places around me people using their smartphone while avoiding any circumstances in their environment.
But the initiation for the movie was my consideration of the speed of our consumption of information. Are we still able nowadays to comprehend and keep in mind what we were reading on our digital device? Where is the speed limit of information consumption, after that we just read a text or watch a video without processing any information or content?
The dissolution of content is a critical movie project about our incredible fast-changing world, where it is maybe rather about our addiction to”Infotainment” than getting informed. If you reflect on the structure of the video feeds of popular social media platforms, you jump from a violent war video to a funny cat and may end up at a heartbreaking talk of a political activist. Therefore it happens you remember only a few of all the videos you just have watched and often in a weird combination. Anyway, each video is a click away.
Sometimes it seems to me we gather information as we are eating without digesting.
Is it immorally just consuming infotainment without attaching any importance to content? Or is there any advantage?

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Upcoming Podcasts – Season 4

Season 4
Episode - Guest

8 - Amanda VanValkenburg
9 - Tenley Raj
10 - Scott Turri
11 - Eleni Mylonas
12 - Allison Roberts
13 - Al Julian
14 - Mary Hawkins
15 - Belinda Moren
16 - Jake Nicastro
17 - Madelyn Gowler
18 - Martin Del Carpio
19 - Leah Bunner
20 - Vasco Diogo
21 - Frankie Campisano
22 - Gillian Harrill
23 - Cassidy Civiero
